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Easy deliverable of your pointclouddata?

Al right, you can make a pointcloud and it is a good one : nice crisp data, good registration, nice coloring,...

But your client isn't familiar with pointclouds and doesn't want to invest time examining it nor does he want to invest in software or even a new and faster pc to view your data.

I have got a solution for you : deliver him a Pointcabshare project!

A pointcabshareproject is the same pointcloud but not in the traditional 3d view. It looks at your pointcloud from a perspective of sections and slices through the pointcloud.

With a simple executable software which doesn't even has to be installed, he can view his project through a series of sections which you as the provider indicates to be made. Even the single scan views can be integrated (panos).

All i need is or a scene project, a riegl project, ptx files, e57 or other. I make the project in native Pointcab and send you a zip file which can be opened with Pointcabshare. Also dwg, collada, dxf, dae files will be in the zip file for immediate use in cad software.

Small projects can be delivered starting from 100€ for a small site with some sections indicated by you. More sections or more complicated pointclouds up to a few hundred, even thousand will increase the price of course.

How does it work? You send me your pointclouddata on a dedicated server and i'll make the project files which can be downloaded fro the same dedicated server. You can even send this link to your client for easy and fast download. He can start right away.

Contact me for more questions but i'll post a picture or 10 of a small project and what can be generated.

Load pointcabshare on a local machine

Project is loaded with 3 standard views and all sections made on the right side

A floor plan, when hovering coordinates can be viewed in x, y and z

Same floorplan with other settings

A section view of a wooden beam structure

You can measure in each view, generate surfaces,...

Individual scans are visible in pano view

Coordinates as in the section views can be clicked

Normal views to detect different surfaces are also possible

And all dwg files and images are in 1 zip folder

This is a simple overview of what's possible.

If you want to test this data, send me an email at and i'll send you the downloadlink of this dataset and the software to view it.

Make your pointclouds easier for your clients, transfer them to a pointcabshare!

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